Outstanding service to school and community -Student Council Executive Athletic Rep Counter Attack, Red Cross, Grad Committees World Vision, Special Olympics
Captain of school team in Volleyball, Basketball and Soccer
Big White Special Block
Female athlete of the year
Exemplary school citizen
Awards won: Soroptimist International Youth Citizenship, Sam Dixon Memorial Award, Homecoming ’86 Bursary, TNRD Government Awareness Essay
Rotary exchange student to Belgium,
Other Accomplishments
Rotary Exchange student to Belgium
University College of the Cariboo - Science
UCC’s Scholar Athlete of the Year
Captain, Women’s Basketball
BC College’s Association Conference All-Star, Basketball
Athletic Council Representative
University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Dean’s Honor List, 1993-1994
Morris Belkin Prize (Outstanding Thesis)
Member UBC’s Thunderbird basketball team
University of British Columbia
Currently enrolled in a academic program, Doctor of Medicine
Tracey is the daughter of the 1963 Gold “K” winner, Dr. Robert Smillie